Hey all,
Caught a glimpse of the Amazing Spiderman trailer last night from the guys at IGN.com, if you haven't seen it click on the title of the post, its a link to the trailer. This makes disappointing back-to-back super hero trailers; leaving me, a superhero buff, quite melancholy. By the looks of it, I'm not feeling the reboot for the following reasons : Actors chosen, costume, and plot (I'll explain).
Actors: I can't stand the idea of seeing Andrew Garfield pick up Tobey's costume and being the new Spiderman, most likely a top 3 favorite hero amongst the American people. The kid is a good actor, don 't get me wrong, he just isn't spiderman. You can say I'm judging too early, or that I'm biased because I liked the first 2 Spiderman movies so much (3rd? Nope), but I'll tell you what I think. Garfield
is that whiny loser guy in The Social Network. He did a great job as that clown and now all I can muster up in my head is that he's depressed that Zuckerberg was better than him so he went out, purposely got bitten by a radioactive spider, and became spiderman (that sucks). Not to mention he's as skinny as a rail with a neck longer than a snapping turtle lunging to bite
this guy. Plus I hate the idea of the "new age" spiderman. I guess he appeared in the late 90's or 2000's but he's way too thin and scrawny. I supposed that it the spiderman they were looking for here? Rather than the legit Spiderman that is definitely not un-legit like Garfield? Even when he "bulks up" like Tobey did he's still looking like a hungry young adult. Oh well, you can't always get
what you want.
I would also like to comment on the castings of Emma Stone, Martin Sheen, and Sally Fields. Love them all, like none of the castings. I hate when they try to make big name actors into minor characters. Stupid, and distracting. The first 3 spiderman's did it
perfectly. And actually I lied a little because I do not like Emma stone, something about her annoys me.
Moving on...
Costume: Not big on the costume because once again, it's just not comic book accurate enough for me to enjoy. Spiderman is a ridiculous
far'fetched idea as it is, might as well keep the costume accurate. Its not like Batman where it
could happen and so they didn't give him the pull over underwear in the movies, nah mean? Don't like it.

Plot: The plot is easy to judge based on the trailer. Comic book origin, love story, and villain. Hate the idea that there is no Mary Jane Watson, honestly its not Spiderman without Mary Jane. Mary Jane is always going to be Dunst to me because I love those movies. Also, I do sort of like the idea of making Lizard the first villain, but the Goblin is necessary because of Peter and Harry's relationship. Is he in the reboots? This Amazing Spiderman movie should just
..., because
we don't want any.

Have Crabtastic Voyage, PACE! - J.G.
And the Spidey to the left, sucks, the one above, is good.