Hey Crab-people,
I watched Nolan's "Inception" movie for the second time the other night and enjoyed it tremendously. I gave the ideas in the film a lot of thought, and, after a bit of consideration before my head hit the pillow, I began to focus my brain to have a dream within a dream. I didn't know it to be possible; in fact I believed it to be impossible until fellow CRAB Len Crabitz shared with me that he did indeed pull the feat off. I thought that was a bloody ridiculous lie, but I found myself waking up in a dream, meaning I had a dream within a dream. I can remember waking up and where I woke up in the dream, but sadly forget what I was doing and how I awoke. I do know for a fact now that this is possible; awesome.
The following night I had focused quite hard on having a dream that I wanted to dream. I supposed I'll share the details even though it makes me look weak. I wanted to have a dream that I met a particular beautiful woman (as pictured below) and so I did. I dreamt that I saw her, Danny Radcliffe, and Rupert Grint standing near an exit on a middle/upper layer at a New York Rangers Hockey Game. My Mother had taken me for she knew I loved the Rangers, and so I saw them standing, froze up, but forced myself over to the crowd. Harry Potter walked away, quite rudely, actually, but Rupert and Emma continued to stand there. I approached Emma and pretty much ignored Ronald, but it didn't matter. I looked into her eyes, which grew larger than normal and turned orange (kinda weird, kinda cool) and told her how gorgeous she was. She smiled so I smiled, then I asked her out and she said yes. Successful dream.

So I began to then figure it was possible to control all of my dreams. What I dreamt about, who was with me, where I was, all that nonsense. I tried last night and to my surprise it failed me. I forget what I was dreaming about, but I think I killed myself in the dream on purpose because I awoke quickly to a bright cell phone screaming "3:28 AM". Perhaps I didn't concentrate hard enough, or perhaps I need practice. I think certain things may be impossible to dream about, for instance I have never been able to dream about Heaven. And I've tried.
I took a psychology course once. My professor was a goofy man, but as wise as Gandolf the Grey. We never learned about dreams though, so everything I am saying is based off of my personal experience.
With the last paragraph being completely pointless, I will end with this. I do not think Inception is possible now, I think more technology will change that in the near future though. I hope to one day plant in Brett Favre's head that I'm his son, or plant the idea "I suck and should fall off a high tree" in Cory's head. Plenty more where that came from, so I hope someone will use the comment section to do so.
PACE! - J.G.