Thursday, July 14, 2011

Only Hours Remain

Only hours remain until the movie series of my lifetime and maybe all life comes to an end and I could not be more excited. As the world comes to an end tomorrow night, I will have to deal with the fact that I forgot my book at work. So, I have been having to suffice with the audio book on my Ipod.  Which as you can imagine is considerably slower, though very entertaining. Jim Dale is a saint, but the moral is that I won't be able to finish the 6th book in time if I have to listen to him. After the movie within a day or two J.G. and myself will post reviews and random thought about the film so check back for them.

-DiCrabs Obliviate

1 comment:

J.G. Crabitt said...

CAN"T WAIT (Bart Scott Voice)