Its great to be back with a handful of party fouls, one for each of the CRABs. We know you look forward to seeing us suffer through a Sharps Miller (Non-Alcoholic beverage) as payment for our ignorant and foolish mistakes. Here they are folks, Party fouls.
Len Crabitz- Ultimate Frisbee with Tim
This is why Len is a despicable human being. Not only does he have the nerve to play with Tim, but he has the audacity to call me up and tell me he just played with Jon, Tim's superior twin brother instead. Little did Len know he was actually sharing a field with Tim, breathing the same air and running on the same mud. This party foul is really for confusing Tim and Jon, but even if he didn't do that, it would be a party foul just for putting himself in place to sweat near Tim. Drink up, Lenny.
Pitt- The Status
Now Pitt's had problems with social networking before (see premature FB party foul), but none like this. Pitt actually set "are you going to finish the race with me babe?" on facebook as his status. Due to the circumstances we needn't to elaborate more, however, here is a sample of what Crab would post.
Suffer through that Sharps Pitt.
J.G- The forbidden sentence
This is something I will regret all of my life. I can't believe these words came out of my mouth, but somehow they escaped. "I like Adam better than Michael". That's it. Thats like saying you like the blue power ranger better than the red one. I'm drinking my Sharps warm. Thanks
DiCrabs- No show to Chinese/Lotto
This one is an old stand-by, the CRAB ditch. Now I'll give the guy a little credit because he's busy, but being a no-show to chinese-lotto is a no-go for a CRAB. Granted this party foul the instant we got word that he couldn't make it. Not the most exciting party foul, but deserving nonetheless.

Sharps a million for Len, enjoy your CRABpendance days everyone. Pictures coming soon.