Obviously, anyone who even has half the IQ of a Boston fan likes the Jurassic Park franchise. Sure, the third one was kinda lame (no Goldblum? Fail.) and the second one wasn't as good as the first, but I think that was expected. With the new technology these days, a fourth installment could be visually amazing and a great film experience. Rumored on IMDB.com are Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum reprising their roles as Doctors Grant and Malcolm. In my opinion, bringing these iconic characters back is a must. Throw in a half decent story line, new dinosaurs (including water creatures, please), and people getting eaten and you have a huge blockbuster hit. I know this movie has been rumored on and off for years, but apparently it is actually being worked on now. Spielberg announced at the 2011 comic con that they plan on releasing the film in the next 2-3 years. Also, I heard that the beautiful Keira Knightley was rumored to have a role. I don't know why they wouldn't make at least one more of these movies. Now would be a great time for a come back;