On the latest CRAB journey, Crab Pitt, Len Crabitz, Leonardo DiCrabrio, and Joseph Gordon Crabitt sailed across the forsaken seas to a forbidden land of death and plunder. Whilst slaying countless souls, Pitt, formerly the Crabtain, lay his eyes on the very bindings of CRAB history. What we set out for, we found. And we read. And we wrote. And now, we share with the world:

the ancient CRAB writings. This is not for the faint hearted. Many men had to die for this collection of "guidelines" and accounts to be brought forth to your eyes. Before we present to you the wonders in the work, we must finish copying over the original transcripts. We want to make sure every story, historical event, rule, period, comma, and drawing is accounted for and transported properly. As soon as we can reveal the information we will. Have a Crabby night, afternoon, and morning. PACE!
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