Hello CRAB-people (and
Here I would like to explain my hate for the city of Philadelphia and its fans. First let me ask you this before you hate on me for hatin, have you
ever spent any amount of time around a Philly fan whilst discussing sports? Think about it. Maybe you got lucky and talked to a Philly fan from a different part of the country, or a Christian Philly fan or something, so he/she wasn't too obnoxious. But if you are like myself, Crabitz, and sometimes DiCrabrio, you have spent enough time around Philly fans to despise them. Here's how it works...
They hate every team that isn't the Eagles, Phillies, Flyers, or 76ers. I have been told "Jets suck" by countless amounts of foolish philly swine. ...Why? We play the eagles in the preseason and maybe in the reg season once every four years. Grow up. Stop hating on my team, hate the Giants they are in your division...keep to your weak NFC. They also say "Yankees suck!" which I understand because everyone hates historically great teams. I would hate the Yankees if I wasn't an NY fan. So that I get, but still, grow up, Yanks and Phils are NOT rivals.
60% of Phillies fans or more are complete bandwagoners. You know its bad when women voice their opinions strongly...with beer...about sports they know nothing about. I've recently heard a woman pronounce "Hunter Pence" wrong. Goodone... "whos this new guy? Pencee? He's good!"- moron.
They hate their teams but back them up no matter. Makes sense right? Here's a good one "Eagles are the team to beat this year! Just need a quarterback! Get rid of McNabb!!!" and the ever so common "Get rid of Andy Reid! Thats why the Eagles can't win!"
Andy Reid is the sole reason the Eagles have ever been half successful. You can cry about Buddy Ryan all you want people, he never won you a single playoff game. And D-Nabb put up some fantastic stats. Sure, he blarfed everywhere one game, and yea, he underthrew receivers a bit. But he was good.
I also was a fan of "nah Kolb is our starter forget that dog-killer I won't root for the Eagles if he's our QB". Two weeks later it was "Vick top 10 of all time?!" I'm serious, I heard that from a guy. He was
dead serious .
Alright well now you know some of my reasons for being on strike against Philly. Also think Rocky is an idiot, still like the movies, but he's pretty dumb. Its a shame that I have to hate Philly, so many of my closest friends are Philly fans. I love when they attack NY. We are rivals with Boston, not Philly. Get your facts straight and go continue the rivalry you have against yourselves...loving and hating your teams with all your heart. Hopefully a fellow CRAB can also explain the different generations of Philadelphia fans, because the old school and new school fans are different.
Don't take this personally Philly, it only applies to 3/4 of you philly fans that read this (if you can read it). Peace out, Go NY. BTW everyone should order the jersey pictured above. PACE.- J.G.