First off I just wanted to let you all know that I am aware this post is overdue. Rather than letting it collect more in my mind I figured I would share it, unlike all of the previous movies I have sought to review (and never made time for it). I especially want to discuss this movie because it hits close to home. I'm a big super hero fan, not so big into comics, but I am a big fan of the characters. I just don't think I have the patience to read comics, though when I do, I typically enjoy them. Anyway, so the green lantern movie was fantastic in some ways, poor in others. I'll start with the pros because I'm a positive guy. The Special effects and CGI were amazing. Out of this world. Sinestro looked perfect. I think it might have had the best effects I have ever seen (apart from Reynold's ring tricks, I'm speaking more of character models, destruction, and the world of OA). I liked everything about the camera angles, shots, and use of effects. Definitively the biggest thing the movie had going for it. The acting was also better than expected, I felt like Sarsgaard and Strong were the two best, but Reynolds surprising played a pretty good GL/ Hal. I am not a Reynolds fan, I used to be a hater, but now I think I'm in the middle about him. Still would have preferred a different Hal, though. As far as I know the movie was pretty comic-ly accurate, I don't know if I'm wrong on that or not but regardless I know it was close. Side note- Blake Lively is attractive.
The reason I think this movie flopped on RT or IMDB is because of the lack of action. The character development wasn't 100% solid but it was good enough to sell a fresh review in my opinion, so the only thing I can muster up is the lack of "heart" for a superhero movie. The villain is parallax, who is pretty much just a cloud of sin until (SPOILERS) after the credits role and you see a sinister sinestro beginning his Corps. There was close to no action, any action you saw was in the trailer when Hal kicks Parallax Professor Egghead. I don't think the lack of action hurt the movie too much honestly, because I'm a sucker for "origins" and good stories. If the sequel happens (which I'm pretty sure was recently confirmed...) it will be better than the first, and I can practically guarantee it. Sinestro as the bad guy, sinestro corps vs GL corps with the introduction of other GL's will prove to be a solid summer blockbuster IF WRITTEN CORRECTLY. It would be a hard sequel to ruin, considering everyone thought the first movie was a bust.

In Brightest Crab, in Darkest Lobster, Don't lose hope just keep Crabbin on. PACE