Today we're talking soda's, and boy is it important to me. I have always been an avid 'pop' drinker since I was a wee lad. I can remember my mother bringing home a two-liter of mountain dew once a week as well as the knock off band 12 packs of Coke and orange soda. Being the soda connoisseur that I am, I have tasted nearly all the flavors roundabout the world. Today I will rank the top 5 soda's, and if you disagree with them then you have horrible taste. Just Kidding.
5). Orange Soda (pick your brand)
This is an old stand-by for the CRAB family.

I feel like it is almost a promise that one of us will drink and orange soda with our meal, usually Len or DiCrabs. There really isn't any way to go wrong with orange soda, I'd have it with breakfast.
4).Mt. Dew
This originally would have made number one on my list.

Me and Len grew up chugging the stuff like a biker chugs water or Goldblum pounds absolute on ice. Since then, however, it has fallen, but it has fallen to itself in two ways.
3).Vanilla Coke
I love coke. That's why I love the movie American Gangster.

But I also love Coke products. I will take nestea over brisk, mello yello over dew, (spoiler alert), Barq's over any other root beer, and of course, Coca-Cola over Pepsi. The addition of vanilla into this drink = great success. Hard to argue that one.
2). Mello Yello
I tell everybody that this is my favorite soda,

only because I oft forget about my number one choice and its rarity. But Mello has such a great, smooth taste when its cold and your thirsty. Would I drink it warm? Nah. The only soda I have ever chugged warm was orange soda, and I didn't enjoy it all that much. This is the soda I buy the most and am highly considering getting tattooed on my face.
1). Mt. Dew: Baja Blast
This is the best soda out there. Too bad you can only get it

at Taco Bell, and I am not at Taco Bell enough. Absence makes the heart grow fonder that is for sure, but even if these were sold in 12 packs my heart would still beat for the liquid gold. If you haven't tried the blue-green goodness, bring yourself out for mexican food and order a large soda. And refill it multiple times before you leave. They don't even put this ish in a can.
Honorable Mentions: Mt. Dew White out and Grape Soda. Also, Stewart's Root Beer because it is in a bottle
1 comment:
Great job sir and well put. This post lest my eyes wide and my mouth watering. I might go ahead and run down to the nearest convenience store now and pick up an ice cold bottle of pop. Again great job, this needed to be said.
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