Worst Game Ever?
Not gonna lie, I'm a fan of the Dragonball Z franchise. Love the diverse characters, the form changes, the quick fighting, and of course the fact that it take like 900 episodes to tell a story that could be told in less than half. Anyway, DBZ games are redone every single year in attempts to please all of the fans (which will never happen, btw) and it still hasn't worked. There was the budokai series for ps2, then the tenkaichi series for ps2 and eventually wii, then back to budokai style gameplay for ps3/360 and then back to tenkaichi for ps3/360. Now they have tried to bring the two together and what happens is a ridiculous party-foul. Now if you're reading this and saying, "yea, they should have stuck to the original budokai mechanics" then you should fall on a chainsaw. Those games were so limited and lame, and the story mode for the second game was utterly retarded. There are tons of you who stick by budokai 3 as being the best and for that I shake my head because you suck. Budokai 3 sucks. I hated it more than I hated 2 I think, because at least 2 gave me laughs. Dragon rush? seriously? Sucks. Now the tenkaichi's are flawless in game mechanics as far as I'm concerned. The newer ones for ps3 were a little choppy but in all much more fun than any of the budokai/burst limit games. Soooo you have raging blast 2, decent game, one of my favorite DBZ games, and to succeed it you choose 'Ultimate Tenkaichi'. Goodone. Great Graphics I'll give you that, but terrible gameplay. Its like they tried to make it exactly like the show; there is no freedom to the fight. You can't just get up and fly whenever you want; you can't just decide to do a kamehameha whenever you're fully charged, and I'm yet to do an ultimate attack. Its basically whoever gets 'spirit high' first wins. Spirit high is this terrible system that determines when you can use energy attacks. Btw, you have to be 2839 feet away from your opponent to do an energy attack. If your in melee mode then you have to punch each other, but thats odd because they put about 15 feet between the two of you so there isn't anyway you can hit each other. I'm so mad about this...i dropped 60 on this game (btw I listed it on ebay after playing it for about an hour, so go buy it!)

Ok, so the part I was looking forward to most, the character create mode. FAIL. You have about 3 hair styles to choose from, 4 outfits, and a wide range of colors. Oh and you can have a scouter if you really want one -_-. Cool guy right? >>
I heard that you can turn your character super saiyan but that you have to go through the repetitive hero mode to do so, through all the horrible boss battles and bad cut scenes. I don't know how this game was screwed up so much, and how the fools at Ign.com could blow a review so bad.
Note- All characters play the same.
OVERALL(Not average):4
Do not buy this game unless you're buying it from me.
And yes I realize it isn't the worst game over and I'm exaggerating, stop freaking out and go play wizards of warcraft
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