Saturday, June 18, 2011

Casino CRABS

Earlier this very night, the CRABS + an extremely excitable Asian companion set off for this summer's second Casino trip. Partial to the Tropicana, where we found early success, we returned for round two. We left Atlantic City previously on a high-crab, because if I am to be honest AC was just not ready for a CRAB invasion.
Two in the front three in the back we pulled up in the Trop parking garage feeling great, as the CRABS snag a prime level 2 parking spot 10 yards from the elevator. Unfortunately Len Crabitz was emitting some seriously negative energy as we exited the vehicle. The bad vibes released clouds of doubt in all of our minds as we entered the elevator and made our way to the casino floor. J.G. Crabitt throwing out constant funny remarks lightened the mood, but the group energy was still lacking. It was at this time where Crabtain Barbossa attempted to fix the group energy levels by again mentioning the fact that he and the excitable Asian were wearing nearly the same shirt and that this of random occurrence was in itself lucky.  Superstitious behavior comes natural for CRABS; one can only imagine the amount superstitious behavior increases when thrown on a casino floor, where the difference between winning and losing is based solely on whether or  not Lady Luck thinks you're good enough for a poke.
Stepping on to the multi-colored casino floor we surveyed the landscape for a roulette table that not only suited our  needs, but could also house the the CRABS + the excitable Asian in their entirety.  We end up at the same table we experienced some luck at in our last Trop endeavor and order the necessary drinks (Sharps Miller Non-Alcholic Beer on the Rocks). Funny and Mad join forces at the table to birth a losing streak that was not profitable to any CRAB member.  Crabitz the first out, the Crabtain and myself get into a bit of a bind as our collection of chips began to dwindle. However, all luck changed as the excitable Asian threw down a couple bucks.  All of the sudden the gates of Goldblum opened and the man himself was waving at us knee deep in casino chips.  Four wins in a row betting on what we thought least likely to win, we thought we had found the secret, the excitable Asian and Goldblum had shown us the Crunk filled swimming pool of success. Crabtain Barbossa then decides to place his bet on 00 (double zeros), which the excitable Asian and myself do not follow due to the outrageous nature of the bet.  Well, the ball dropped in 00 and the CRABS went insane. He one a large chunk of change and being the only one who walked away a winner we turned to leave.
On our way out we run in to an attractive woman with a wheel, that only new members may spin. Seeing the wheel as a golden opportunity to win back some of the investment I had recently lost, I signed up along with my buddy Barbossa. Thinking my luck was bound to change, I watch Crabtain spin and score two free tickets to a show. I step up and give the wheel a little DiCrabrio touch; it spins a few and lands on 50 Free Slot Dollars.  Ecstatic I run over to the slots to make some free money, but unfortunately slot machines are the worst invention of all time. My free slot money was gone in mere minutes and the machine did not even attempt to get my hopes up. Dejected and slightly perturbed I left the casino, but extremely happy for my fellow CRAB.  Congratulations on a big win Crabtain Barbossa!
-Atlantic City, consider this a warning; the CRABS will be back.  And way they do be ready to pay up big, for there is no way we are walking out empty handed.

Have a Crabby Day my fellow air-breathers.

L. DiCrabrio$$$                              


DiCrabrio said...

I guess no one was interested in the CRABS Casino adventure?

Len Crabitz said...

interesting.. always enjoy when the gates of Goldblum are opened

J.G. Crabitt said...

Gotta say, you really really outdid yourself with this post. Great job F.A.G, glad I went, had a grand old time