- I have been saying this since the I heard the books series would stop at 7, but Rowling should really attempt to put into writing Hogwarts a History a book referenced by Hermione Granger countless times. Side Note: (Emma Watson if you are reading this my friend J.G. Crabitt is single and a stud of a CRAB).
- I wish more time was spent in Dumbledore's character. I find the character extremely interesting so I am sure others feel the same way. The book that Rita Skeeter puts out in the Deathly Hollows, though maddening sparks the readers mind. As for me I want more, if there were a Dumbledore book maybe a biography, I would read it.
- As for the first book, I would like to note that Harry's first flight on the Nimbus 2000 and Christmas are amazing scenes. Not only is Harry finally feeling free from the Dursley's grasp and establishing a home at Hogwarts, but flying and Christmas are two of my favorite things.
- And for Goodness sake, what does Dumbledore see in the mirror of Erised? Everyone knows its not woolen socks...I just want to know I do not want to imagine. Is it his sister and mother? World peace? What does Dumbledore, the symbol of love and wisdom, desire within his heart of hearts?
- Was Ron really that good at Wizard Chess? I mean he was like 11 years old, is he really a strategic master mind? I feel like that isn't really in his Ronald Weasley's character description.
- Absolutely LOVE John Williams' score for the Harry Potter movies. I can't help but hear that in my mind as I am reading the book.

DiCrabs Out.
Funny you bring up wizards chess, because ron actually pronounces it "wizards chest" referring to his ripped, 6-pack body.
Not even going to try to make a comment as good as Len's, just good work DiCrabio you show true Gryffindor colors
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