Finishing the 1st book of my favorite books series of all time mere minutes ago, I decided to share with you the fans what I thought as I finished the last page. I cannot stand the fact that this book series and all that went with it, a thing I counted on consistently year after year, will actually be over. I get a feeling very similar to that of watching the last film of the Lord of the Rings trilogy: Return of the King. For those of you who are fans like myself you must agree that the movie brings upon emotion rivaled by few. The scene where Aragorn tells Frodo and the hobbits that
"My friends, you bow to no one..." brings tears right up to the surface of the eyeball even if they do not spill out for the world to see, I get that welling up feeling in the pit of my soul. Emotion that one may expect from another phenomenal book series. Any way this is how I felt today as I finished
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, because sure I can survive reading and reading the series, but the journey is over. Though I have the 2nd novel to look forward to tomorrow, I want J.K. Rowling to bless me with something else to look forward to like we all did with the Harry Potter series.
Side note: Dumbledore in the end of the the 1st book is the paradigm of mentors/ heroes I would ever have wished to have. The man is so incredibly boss, he should have his own book.
Have a Crabby Day folks with love and madness,
DiCrabs Out.
couldnt agree with you more Dicrabrio. I love daniel radcliff aka harry potter like a brother. Also love how comprable gandalf and dumbledore are. Both are so wise.
Hey man, I'm only 3 chapters in, but I gotta say I love the idea to knock these books out before the final movie. Great Job!
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