Look I don't usually do things like this, deem public party fouls practically out of the blue, but I just felt it necessary tonight. I want to start making the blog more fan-aimed, where people can come and read up on movie reviews, sports, music, and anything that pleases the mind. I didn't really have a feel where to start, I mean I've seen so many dang movies lately but I don't want to go on ranting about them just yet... because Brad Garrett is pissing me off. I hate walking in front of the screen and seeing his awkwardly rolled shoulders and 7 foot head mumbling something about how everybody loves his nasally challenged Italian foot-soldier TV brother more than him, and thats why he turned out to be a tool. His angry Eustace clone of a father sits on the lazy-boy, beer in hand, verbally beating the guy to a pulp. Love frank, by the way, only character making the show half-viewable when you're waiting for your mushroom hair-cutted brother to get back to the house so you can start playing FIFA or something. Anyway, nobody likes him, Capish? His own mother in the show gave him no attention, clear sign that you suck there Robbie Barone. What makes a character suck? You can blame the writers all you want but I'm blaming Garrett 100%. Brad you get multiple thumbs down this week and the first ever public party foul for a crime worse than murder: Sucking.

Have the most Crabby Day possible kids. PACE
I second this party foul and commend you for standing up and finally give Brad what his awkwardness deserves an Ice Cold Sharp's Miller Non-Alcoholic Brew. Very nicely done J.G.
I'm sorry but I had to say that I am so glad that somebody finally got this guy for sucking so much. I mean it has been years, ya know it truly takes a hero to take down a fun-sucking leach like Garret. Enjoy that Sharp's Raymond's not so loved brother.
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