Over the years, we have seen the relationship of men and women change gradually. Back in the day, women stayed home and took care of the kids, while men went to work to support the family financially. However, as years go by, we see men and women doing both roles. Many women nowadays go to work, instead of staying home full time. Also, we have seen the divorce rate go up higher and higher. The biggest reason that couples get divorced is because of money. Is it because men and women are both working? No. It's because of people like
Jane from the Jetsons. Jane is a
golddigger. A golddigger is someone who marries someone else because of their wealth. Many times we see old men on television with beautiful, attractive,
young wives. The young women do not really love the old men, but are in the relationship strictly for the
Crab dollars. In my opinion, the Jetsons is a bad television show because of Jane. Check out the following introduction of the Jetsons and see what I mean.
VIDEO. Feel free to leave a crabby comment. Extra mad if possible.
I freakin hate Jane Jetson, always did too. Definitely not what I'm looking for in a spouse or house wife. Yep.
Well I must say Crab Dollars though very enticing are not reason for marriage. I would like to take this time to point out other golddiggers that are jammed down our throats as television viewers. That slut Alice from the Brady Bunch, obvi the Kardasian family, Mrs. Cleaver in Leave it to Beaver (Starring Len Crabitz), Kitty from that 70s Show, Cory's mom from Cory in the House, and also Cory from Cory in the house.
might have a disagreement here FAG. Cory cannot be a golddigger simply because he has no money to live in his own house. Cory lives under a bridge with his stuffed animal and blankey. Party foul?
Party foul for Cory I'd agree with, me I'd have to disagree. Cory acquired the house from a love affair with Raven from that so Raven. yes we all know they play brother and sister on the television show, but who are we kidding you know this isn't the first time this sort of love triangle has blossomed among television family members. Look at Otto and Reg from Rocket Power or Phil and Lil from the Rugrats third season. Cory has really just fallen victim to the mass medias incestual trap. I cannot stand by whilst this abomination of a television show plays reruns on the Disney Channel. Cory is a slut and a goldigger thats all there is to it. He doesn't deserve anything he has, all of it was obtained on the coattails of another. Hate and debauchery:the first two words that come to my mind when I think of Cory. If I had a dime for every time Cory seduced his way into a position of power I would be a billionaire.
im confused. for times like this i have always looked at spongebob squarepants for answers. I look at the relationship between sandy squirrel and patrick. We can see that there is love interest between the two of them, yet not a deep infactuate relationship. The actual golddigger is mr krabs. I say this because I always thought that raven had a crush on the dad. The dad is handsome and cory is perfectly unlovable.
Ever consider shows like cow and chicken? What about rocko's modern life? Love affairs all around. Plus I'd like to point out the definite love interest between timone and pumba?
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