As many viewers know, the CRABs are very opinionated to who they believe is over and underrated. In this segment, I will talk about the category of "bears" and how they pertain to the overrated and underrated theme.
Polar Bears- Polar bears are extremely overrated. As many of us know, they are throwing off things big time when it comes for drilling for oil. I am sick of people telling me how cute and lovable they are. Polar bears walk funny, can't talk, and are just dumb in general. (also beg for recycling to be done during natural disasters) #shout-out
Yogi Bear- Although J.G. will never agree with me on this subject, Yogi Bear is extremely overrated. J.G. claims that this character is funny because he is always going around stealing those picnic baskets. Well let me ask you something... "How would you like it if you learned Yogi Bear stole your food?" Exactly, you would be extremely angry and probably throw a temper tantrum. Yogi Bear is the worst... hate his guts.
Bear Claws- Not bear claws as in the animals' hands, but as the sweet breakfast food that usually contains things such as almonds, nuts, raisons, etc. Many people go around raving about how great this food is. Not at all.... sooo bad... almonds are terrible and so are nuts. These things do not look like bear claws whatsoever. Need some hair and nails on them. #whaddup #badjoke #thisiswhyimonthemadteam
Chicago Bears- This NFL team has been around ever since I can remember. Although I am a die hard Lions fan (kinda) the Bears have added new pieces for this upcoming year that make them a contender. People like to forget how well they started off last year, before losing QB Jay Cutler for the year. The Bears are not getting enough love. Watch for them to do better than expected.
Pooh Bear- You are probably looking at this and saying "How is Pooh Bear underrated when everyone likes him?". I just want to say that people love Pooh bear for the wrong reasons. They like him because he is a fun and loving character who makes children laugh. On the contrary people need to learn the real reasons behind loving Pooh. Pooh bear as a huge beer gut, that he says is because of "honey". Yea right Pooh, like people believe that you just eat honey without anything to throw it down with. Cheers Pooh keep lying to the kids. #swag
Grizz-look alikes- Every summer the CRABs go do to the beach where we like to shred. During this time you will find all different types of people. You will see your babes, old men and women, middle aged people and their familes, and of course the GRIZZ men. These guys consist of having disgusting hair which is all over their chests and backs. I know, I know, many of you are saying that this is the worst opinion ever. "How are these fat greaseballs crabtasticly underrated?" Without these men you can't look to the person next to you and point and laugh and talk about how happy you are that you do not have that problem. These guys make for great conversation and therefore are placed easily in the underrated category.
In need of a CRABnation invasion
I hate yogi bear. I'm just insulted.
Bravo Len
I'll tell ya what this is a GREAT job no getting around it. Honorable mention baby bear Nick the Behr Cub.
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