Wednesday, July 4, 2012

CRABs' Sports Team's: A Draft

Evening CRAB people...J.G. Here,

The CRABs have collectively decided that now is the time to choose our sports teams. Ya know, during the summer when no important sports are happening. Baseball? Baseball you say? HMPH. Not a sport. So the F.A.G Team chose their teams, and the Mad team chose their teams, and of course we chose our CRAB teams. Check them out, throughout the seasons we'll be updating records and talking rivalries. This is supposed to be a Len post but he sucks. Still love him and the CRABs!

CRAB Team: St. Louis Rams
Mad Team: KC Cheifs
F.A.G Team: Minnesota Vikings

CRAB Team: Dallas Mavericks
Mad Team: Chicago Bulls
F.A.G Team: Los Angeles Lakers

CRAB Team: Minnesota Wild
Mad Team: New Jersey Devils
F.A.G Team: New York Rangers

CRAB Team: Mizzou
Mad Team: Georgia
F.A.G Team: Texas Christian University (TCU)

CRABs: Dale Earnhardt Jr. (RIP Dale)

CRABs: Bubba Watson

Futbol Clubs
CRAB Team: U.S.A (International), Chelsea
Mad Team: Turkey (International), Bayern Munich
F.A.G Team: Sweden (International), Barcelona

CRAB Team: Just Cole Hamels (Not the Phillies, its wherever Cole Hamels goes. Don't question us. Cole Hamels is a boss because he purposely hit Bryce Harper and then said he did it on purpose. Get Sum)
Mad Team: St. Louis Cardinals
F.A.G Team: Arizona Diamondbacks

Let us know what you think. It's great that Nash signed with the Lake-show. It's been real.



1 comment:

J.G. Crabitt said...

Mad team, forgot who your Tennis player was but I know F.A.G team had this years Wimbledon Champion, Roger Federer. Congrats to us.
