People of the World of CRAB (and all you rock-lobsters who would be the death of me if I wasn't so awesome/madd) it is I Crab Pitt seemingly back from the watery grave of Davey Jones Locker with an angry idea that probably won't spark your interest at all. -_- The back drop goes as follows. There are few times when the Crabs are not in constant communication and a Crabs communication cannot just be a simple plain sentence in a text(It can be hard to tell if Len is really madd). In order to fully understand what another Crab was saying without being there in person (hrrm Crabson?) thier needed to be a sort of explanation point at the end of each sentence. However a simple ! would not suffice. Alas! J.G and DiCrabs came up with a funny awesome plan. Why not put hashtags at the end of every text so that the Crab on the other end of the text would truly understand what his fellow Crab was really feeling. Brilliant I say!! -_- So coming soon to the Crab Blog will be a page full of our top hashtags to give you all a glimpse at the type of communication a Crab goes through.
Stay Crabby my friends,
Great to see you blogging my friend. Diggin the post and can't wait to see what hash-tags the CRABs bring to the table.
Welcome back Pitt, look forward to your contribution to the blog, and of course the hashtag page. Well done my CRAB.
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