Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Largest Loser: Back in Action

With our CRAB Blog Largest Loser competition back in action, I have decided to share with you oh beloved CRAB Blog Nation the source of this sudden change of heart and replenished drive. It was of course from a movie (where most of my inspiration comes from); in this case it was a documentary, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead (which for anyone interested can be watched on your Netflix Instant Queue). The documentary follows Joe Cross, the creator of the film, across the United States as he attempts to complete a 60 day fast.  The term fast may not be completely appropriate though the man eats no whole foods, he does live off an assortment of juiced vegetables and fruits, along with water. By the end of the 60 days Cross successfully completes a entire body transformation and has self cured himself of all health related illnesses he was once diagnosed with.
Cross's story has ignited a fire in the minds of Muscles Gladstone and myself, as we two have decide attempt small juice fasts of our own. Gladstone is already set up with a extremely nice juicer he purchased a few days ago and I am working on procuring one as well. With regular attendance at the gym and our new saintly out look on fruits and vegetables I'd say its only a matter of time before Gladstone and myself are Hemsworth big

I'll keep you updated, please check out Joe Cross's documentary it is truly inspirational.

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1 comment:

J.G. Crabitt said...

Hemsworth Big> Cory big