I'm gonna take you back to the past with this one, 2 years after the year 2G (2002). Goldmember is one of my personal favorite movies therefore I thought it necessary to do my own review on the flick. It didn't get the greatest reviews from Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB respectively, and though the comedy lacks in some parts I still deem it fresh.
I'm not really going to run down the plot too much if you haven't seen it, it's pretty much just Austin being Austin; being awesome. The movie starts out with Speilburg making an Austin Powers movie based on Austin's life, with Tim Cruise playing Austin. May I just say that this may be the greatest opening credit scene in the history of film. With that being said, the rest of the movie doesn't disappoint either. The comedy, though failing at times(like the MAD team), is pretty consistent if you have a goofy/sick sense of humor. I don't mean sick as in crazy, more-so you think potty humor is funny, and pervertedness, that sort of thing. Some of the jokes are honestly complete and utter failures. This doesn't happen often (like it did in the first 2) but I am warning you it does happen. Also, if you liked the first 2 there should be no reason you wouldn't like the third for it is far superior (first 2 sucked in my opinion).
There is a lot of Character development in Austin, which is nice, and he still remains the same funny character America loved from the late 90s. There is a swell of new faces as well, which I find to be the reason why this one soared much higher than the others.

The best part about this movie in my opinion is the introduction of Nigel Powers, Austin's "swinging" Father. Michael Caine may give his best performance ever. He stays clever, witty, and "sexy baby yea"!
Throughout the movie we hear great jams spoofed off of famous disco songs, Austin's problem with his "faja", multiple mole jokes aimed at ben savage, and Austin speaking English-english. Overall, its the best movie of the series and a lot of laughs if you can dumb yourself down enough to watch it. Len Crabitz looks similar to Verne Troyer (mini me), that is all.
It's a classic in my household, and CRAB Len Crabitz is a huge fan, give it a view!
Have a Crabby Morning, PACE!
Love this movie, I agree with you 100%. Awesome J.G.
Great job, loved the review. And I feel as you do that it just had to be done. At least we know now that, we can always do reviews of some of our favorite movies when we have nothing wlse on our minds. Awesome J.G.
DiCrabs Out.
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