Monday, July 18, 2011


Crab Blog Nation, I would first like to apologize for my long absence from my posting duties.  These three days have felt like weeks and I have to say I missed you.  That being said, the reason for my absence had much to do with the state of depression the last Harry Potter film (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2) put me in.  Thoughts similar to that of my fellow CRAB, J.G. Crabitt, dawned on me like a stampede of angry Bidoofs; "My childhood is over and I will never have anything this good to look forward to again."

However, as I spent the last few days contemplating how absolutely boring life is going to be without having Potter to look forward to, I realized how incredibly well done the series was. As I look back the movies truly keyed in on the age the corresponding book was geared at.  I was planning on coming out tonight with an elaborate review of the Last movie, but I was unable to let myself. To do the series justice, I would like to first view the film a second time.  This way I can be more critical and more receptive to parts of the movie I may have overlooked do to my over excitement. Hopefully my fellow CRAB and good friend J.G. will assist me in a review that Hermione her self would be proud of.

Stay Crabby my Friends,
DiCrabs Out.    


J.G. Crabitt said...

I am destroyed and distraught, and I too, will see it again before the review. It's good to just let it all out...HHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEE! Party foul?

DiCrabrio said...

No its okay I understand