So after I had lunch and watched The Notebook today, I was rifling through some of my more English majory books and stumbled upon my copy of Edgar Allen Poe: The Complete Stories. Naturally, I thumbed through the index searching for a shorter work, but also one that went with the theme of the film I had just viewed. So I scanned the titles, waiting for one to jump out at me as having an obvious theme of love. After a minute or so, I spotted Eleonora, a six page marvel that was sure to be about Poe's young love. To my surprise (sarcasm) I found that the beginning spoke of madness, but Poe compared madness to dreams. "Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence - whether much that is glorious - whether all that is profound - does not spring from disease of thought... They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night" (Poe 530). My mind quickly jumped from love to dreams, so in finishing the story I searched famous poetry featuring dreams. Who would have guessed that three down from the top of the list was Edgar Allen Poe again with his poem "A Dream Within a Dream." I read it and immediately thought this has aspects of Christopher Nolan's film Inception. Being stranded within a dream landscape "Of a surf-tormented shore..." (Poe), is exactly the existence which Leo is contained to in the film. Read the poem for yourself, then watch the film. Thats it for now, just thought is was interesting.
Love and CRABs,
DiCrabs out
I dream that the CRABs keep rolling, but Len and Pitt are slacking.
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