Two friends of mine and I were discussing the 2011-2012 NFL season and we realized that there is one true MVP this year. Might as well call this hall-of-famer the MVPE- Most Valuable Player Ever, because he is and always will be. Ladies and CRABlings, I present the MVP of the 2011 Season:

DANG STRAIGHT it's BRETT FAVRE, the greatest quarter back of all time and second greatest human being second to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (I want to quickly affirm that I love Jesus and my love for Favre is not lie-crossing like Len's love for Boy George or Drew Carrey).
So that leaves us with this question...who is the MVPTNBF? Who is the MVP thats not Brett Favre. Well I'll tell you my opinion.

Setting Records by breaking Dan Marino's heart. Love it. Love Brees. Can't stand Marino and his stupid dolphins who beat my Jets at least once a year. Agh I hate them more than the patriots. SO congrats Brees and in my opinion you are the leagues most valuable player with Rodgers being a very close second.
I want to also send an honorable mention to two players, pictured below.

For the newbs: top is Eric Berry, bottom is Bob Sanders
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