Friday, June 10, 2011

My Teas Gone Cold...

Here we have a classic for all generations to enjoy. I'm a little discouraged that the opening lyric is "my tea's gone cold" but nonetheless, the song is amazing, angelic, and genuinely impressive. As a matter of fact, everyone reading this should go to youtube right now and watch all of Dido's music videos. It almost makes the Sharp's Miller Non-Alcoholic beverage I'm drinking enjoyable (joke of course because it is absolutely pleasant).
What I'm trying to leave you with is this; in any mood or circumstance Dido can make it better, more positively dramatic, and I love her. Let Dido float your boat, I know she floats mine.
Have a Crabby Day Padawan's


DiCrabrio said...

Thank you Dido for sharing your music with this ungrateful world. By the way this was a J.G. Crabitt post that some how got credited to me.

J.G. Crabitt said...

Yes a J.G. Original thanks Leo