Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Getting Closer

With the end drawing ever closer, I decided that reading the books in English wasn't enough.  I just finished ordering the first Harry Potter book in German from  The site was slightly difficult to journey through since I have slacked on my German studies since high school, but with the help of my German teacher I found what I was looking for right away. The book will not be arriving obviously for a while, but I'm sure my after movie Potter-high will give me enough energy to struggle through the masterpiece yet again.

As for the English version of the 6th book, I am about a 1/4 of the way finished and plan on reading shortly after making this post public. I would like to comment on already just the vast difference between this and the other books: The darker tone, the focus on Voldemort's mysterious past, and Snape's takeover of the Defense Against the Dark Arts post at Hogwarts. This keeps the novel and absolute page turner, as these aspect make for a thrilling read. Dumbledore being weakened is not my favorite idea in the world, but I do enjoy seeing more of his character presented in The Half Blood Prince.  Well I better get back to reading.
The END is Near.
DiCrabs out.

1 comment:

J.G. Crabitt said...

Big fan of the post, I myself can't wait to continue reading this historic and magnificent series. Had another dream about inception the other day and need to tell you about my other dream...German is a great choice though. PACE